Latest Info on VFIO GPU Passthrough

Hi everyone,

Are any of y’all aware of any wiki pages, blog posts, videos, anything like that that contains some of the latest info regarding setting up GPU passthrough?

I’m looking for a bit of an overview of where things are at; where Looking Glass is at, setting up with multiple monitors, etc. I’d also be curious on the games with anti-cheat that ban VM users.

Looking to get into this so I can avoid having to dual-boot.

I’ve got a guide that is nearly finished. Just got like 500 more words to write, probably. Let me see if I can put the finishing touches on it and then I’ll ship it out. (hopefully today)



KVMs can get you banned?

At least with BattleEye yes, but I believe this has happened in games such as VALORANT.

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They only mention VMs though?

I knew that was an issue, but never heard of KVMs being an issue?

Oh doi lol I was thinking of peripherals KVM and you were using it in regards to a VM; thought you were asking about issues with pass through when using kvm with VM via pass through, but that sounds dumb in hindsight

Oooh I see what you’re saying. This is my bad for mixing up terminology too loosely.

AFAIK, this is a VM issue, nothing to do with KVM’s.

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That always gets me also especially because unless you use Looking Glass, you’ll need a KVM when running a VFIO setup… possibly using KVM.


Frankly, if you’re playing games like Valorant, getting banned is doing you a favor.

But shitposting aside, the overwhelming majority of games that you need to run on Windows will not ban you for running in a VM.

I remember when I was playing Destiny 2, everyone was screaming “they ban you for using a VM” on the VFIO subreddit, and there I was playing competitive matches in a VM that was not trying to hide and no ban.

The fact of the matter is that a few people who happened to be running a VM got banned. We don’t know if they were using that as an excuse, if they were cheating, being toxic enough to warrant a ban or what. What we do know is that there are very few games that say that playing in a VM is a bannable offense. If that’s your game, the VFIO subreddit will be all over it, so you’ll know.

Yeah fair play, there’s issues with kernel level anti-cheats (ethical / moral?) of that nature beyond whether they work in a VM, lol.

Good to hear the situation wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. This really would be just to be able to play some games of R6 Siege, Apex with friends, and not keep an entire windows partition just to do that.

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This might be changing though. As we move towards a future of post TPM requirement, it’s even likely it will; we already have been hearing about it in some cases as the planned future of anti-cheat (name of the game escapes me at the moment)

Which, granted, I agree with Linus and Jake (when they discussed this on WAN): I’d certainly be okay with more strict requirements in order to stop cheating in online, pvp titles.

On the other hand, all this may become a non-issue with Steam working to get anti-cheat working on linux.

Warzone announced a new vanguard-esque anti-cheat.

I don’t get how more strict requirements helps with cheating that much. You can still cheat in Valorant; or any game, no matter the severity of the anti-cheat.

Doesn’t seem worth it when all it does is punish the 99% of the player base who don’t cheat.

It was a hypothetical question:

How far would you be okay with them going if it guaranteed to crack down on cheating or remove it entirely?

Plenty of people would jump through quite a few hoops.

Not saying that TPM will guarantee anything, though, obviously.

I’m going to say something that’s probably going to piss off a lot of people: Games like Warzone and Valorant are crappy games and I have no issue with them not allowing VMs because I expect people who have the mental capacity to install VMs to also seek higher quality entertainment.

Well, let’s be realistic here, these anti-cheat systems are not going to punish anywhere near 99% of the player base with a ban. It’s going to be inconvenient, yes, but it won’t punish them.

TPM will not help here, frankly, unless they expect you to run a completely vanilla operating system.

For me, in those situations, the entertainment comes purely from playing with people I enjoy being around. Nothing (or little) to do with the game itself.

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Fair enough. To me, it’s like going surfing. I might be with friends I like, but I hate surfing (see also: suck at it), so I would rather just stay home.

I’ve found that real hackers (read: aimbot, wallhacks, etc…) are few and far between, and lots of people just complain about people who are better than them, so I’m frankly not convinced there’s even a problem here.

TPM will not help here, frankly, unless they expect you to run a completely vanilla operating system.

They may very will do that lol

How many times has software on windows not worked as expected because it works on assumptions?

“What? Why isn’t it installed in the C Drive? Invalid install path

“Why is your username too long? Path too long failure

Or this one cracked me up:

“Why is the language not set to US-EN? Unexpected Exception

I’ve found that real hackers (read: aimbot, wallhacks, etc…) are few and far between, and lots of people just complain about people who are better than them , so I’m frankly not convinced there’s even a problem here.

Yeah, thats why the question is a hypothetical.

It’s doubtful we’ll ever reach the point where someone can accurately advertise a PC game as bullet proof (where there’s a will, there’s a way), so it’s all kinda moot since the moment you know it’s fallible is the moment no one would condone certain things.

I will say though that I find it doesn’t matter how many cheaters their are, but just knowing they exist causes people to have an intense dislike of the situation. I personally prefer to play online MP games on console specifically because of this; Dark Souls specifically comes to mind.

I have thousands of hours and don’t think I’ve ever met a cheater, but just the knowing and having read about people who do have issues with them has definitely influenced me alot.

installs office, gets banned

That will only last for about 1 generation of games.

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Is this still the case? I am planning on doing a single passthrough, so that’s why I want to know if I can get banned for running in a vm.

Still no ban as of December?

Not playing many competitive multiplayer games right now, where they might ban for that sort of thing, so I’m probably not the best person to judge.

That said, I stand by my statement above, its unlikely they’ll ban you solely for playing in a VM.

I have been playing Deadside, Rocket League CS:GO and no bans yet running a windows VM under linux.