Last Version of Adobe Reader to Install Offline?

Anyone know the last version of Adobe Reader that you could install offline? I’ve been trying to get to install for atleast 30 minutes, but I keep getting this message. It’s really annoying.

Image ?

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Got a non-enterprise version?

edit- weird. It doesn’t say it’s an enterprise version once installed.

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Yeah it’s just an MSI installer for Reader. I’ve use it but I’m always remoting into a machine when I’ve used it so I’m not actually sure that it worked with a truly offline computer, but I assume that it does.

One can read PDF’s with browsers nowadays. What does Adobe offer?


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It’s litterally the worst PDF reader out there for most users. If you do need a standalone reader there a dozen of so good open source ones (MuPDF, okular, evince…)

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Adobe LiveView. How Adobe will continue it’s stranglehold of the industry forever because the government locks everyone who works with them into their proprietary documents.

Haven’t seen a full downloader, from them in eons… Have you given Foxit a go?

Managed to find an older version, but it’s not compatible with newer documents.

Something noteworthy.

Hurr hurr linux

Actually question why adobe reader and not something else?