Larger case Need Suggestions

Hello Tek Community I need a suggestion for a larger case the current one im using is a coolermaster haf 912 which was working great untill I picked up a Asus Maximus IV Extreme-Z motherboard.  The issue I'm having with the 912 is that on the motherboard the 8 pin for the cpu is located in a odd spot and makes mounting the fans for my h100i difficult, in order to mount them I've had to put them on the outside of the case.  I'm looking for a case that isnt going to be to expensive it doesn't have to look good its just needs to be able to mount 4 120 mm fans inside the case with the H100i radiator. Having the room for two or four front 120mm fans would be nice as well as be able to mount a side fan to help cool my two gpu's.

If anyone is able to find something like this please let me know.  since looks really arnt a huge issue for me I'm kinda hoping to keep the price low as i'm going off to a university in a few weeks. 


check these out

and look around the site ... lots of options

second the thermaltake chaser have the larger A31 and love it 


IDK how much is your budget, but H440 from NZXT have what you want - 3x120mm intakes, one exhaust, space on the top for the H110 or whatever...

Another cheaper option is Fractal Arc Midi R2. 2x140mm intakes and spaced top rad mount away from the mobo.

You can also take a look at NZXT Phantom line of cases. The plastic panels will allow mounting on top of the case, but under the panel.

NZXT switch 810



NZXT Source 530. Same interior as the Phantoms, but cheaper. And leagues ahead of the Arc Midi.

You don't need an NZXT Switch 810 for an H100, that's way overkill :))

Another very good, solid case than can hold an H100 is the Enermax iVektor. And it's cheaper than the Source 530.

Source 530 has nothing on Fractal Arc Midi R2, and there is dirt cheap Phantom case - P 240 if the memory serves me...

Have you bothered looking at the specs before posting?

Corsair 900D. I don't know much about it, but it's ENORMOUS, even fits 2 PSUs.

I recently bought the 530 and I have a XSPC RX240 rad in front, and you can mount a slim 240 on top, like the H100. It is a great value.

The switch 810 is awesome tho.


Want something really big?

Try Lian Li:

The build quality is outstanding, but they are pretty expensive, too.

If you like your cooler master style and need a lot of space, try the HAF X or the HAF Stacker. I feel like the HAF X would be great for your needs although it seems like an older case. 

lots of good suggestions here, I personally am in love with the enthoo primo but it would help to know your budget so we can recommend better XP