Hello Tek Community I need a suggestion for a larger case the current one im using is a coolermaster haf 912 which was working great untill I picked up a Asus Maximus IV Extreme-Z motherboard. The issue I'm having with the 912 is that on the motherboard the 8 pin for the cpu is located in a odd spot and makes mounting the fans for my h100i difficult, in order to mount them I've had to put them on the outside of the case. I'm looking for a case that isnt going to be to expensive it doesn't have to look good its just needs to be able to mount 4 120 mm fans inside the case with the H100i radiator. Having the room for two or four front 120mm fans would be nice as well as be able to mount a side fan to help cool my two gpu's.
If anyone is able to find something like this please let me know. since looks really arnt a huge issue for me I'm kinda hoping to keep the price low as i'm going off to a university in a few weeks.
If you like your cooler master style and need a lot of space, try the HAF X or the HAF Stacker. I feel like the HAF X would be great for your needs although it seems like an older case.