I recently bought this laptop:
it is my first laptop because i frequently build my own desktop rigs but this laptop thing is a little diferent. I baught it exclusivly for school work but am looking to make it perform just a little better to play some world of tanks or chivalry with some school freinds.
Im thinking of upgrading to an ssd and poslibly some memmory I already know the performance benifits of ssds because I use several in my desktop rigs but i am curious about their benifits for battery life.
This laptop dose not have dedicated graphis therefore uses the intell hd 4000 system. Ive recently watched the vidios about useing faster memory for this type of graphics and would like a few extra frames on my big 1920 * 1080 screen. what memory should i get and will it make any diference?
also in the future i would consider using a dual ssd raid 0 configuration to utalise my dual hard drive bays dose this MB suppor raid 0 ?
any other recomended upgrades would be greatly apreciated.