Laptop Suggestions!

I am looking at laptops as my current one is slowing down/not as fast as I would like it to be for compiling software/running mild games.


Budget: 1.8k


Intel i7

16 GB RAM 8x2

SSD/1TB HDD Both = better

Decent graphics (not running battlefield/anything crazy)


Computers I have considered:

MSI GS60 Ghost-003

Lenovo Y50

Lenovo Y50-4k


A Few Fangbooks


I thought I had my heart set on the MSI GS60 Ghost-003 until I read more reviews of serious ventilation problems and the funky keyboard layout w/ Windows Key and all and I got a tad bit worried. Any advice on what to choose or if there is a better laptop out there that I haven't considered.. Any input is welcome really.

Gigabyte P35W V2 perhaps.

v3 is out now!

Right on, I don't follow news on laptops much. I just remembered the V2 because it was the last laptop I considered. Laptops just don't do it for me.

This might be suitable, if you're interested: