Laptop screen issue

First time OP, long time watcher (a few months), love, love, love teh best channel on YT.

I have here a Dell Precision M2400 from 2008.

Any suggestions?

It has no visible indications of liquid spills inside the case.  The only example I could find that matched this condition almost exactly was a Dell FPW2005 (youtube vid) that had a couple of bad caps on the "logic board".  I've disassembled the machine and wiggled the flex cable with no apparent effect.  I also reseated both connectors... nothing.  Tried a different power supply... nada. The external connection (coincidentally to an FPW2005) works fine.  My current  order of probability (or scariness):  

1.  I have a theory that the part of the vid "card" that feeds the external is fine but the part that runs the built in panel is borked.  There was some class action settlement back around that time with Nvidia chips connections weakening from the laptop heat but since the external works fine I'm all at sea.

2. The flex cable is worn at the hinge.

3. The LCD panel is fried, which seems quite unusual and unlikely since I have a Thinkpad from 1998 that even though the ccfl tubes are about gone the panel itself seems fine.

If anyone can affirm or present a new idea with some certainty I'd send your sister to college.  The next most important question is what is a good source for a new flex cable besides ebay?  I hate ebay.  The "e" stands for EVIL.  But I'll go there if I have to.

p.s. what's the deal with Chromium telling me, "this page includes script from unauthenticated sources" on this very page?

Having watched this video i think it is a combination of both issues with the GPU and the screen itself. 

Replacing the screen is not too difficult just make sure you have a very small screwdriver,

also relating to the gpu if this is the case you may wish to send this back to the manufacterer.

I'm not here to fully diagnoss the problem I can only give you your possible remedies.


Thanks for your input, friend.  After thinking about it a little more, I'll try a new flex cable and if that doesn't fix it then I'll just sell it for parts or turn it into an xbmc with permanent external or something.

At this point I just need some reccommendations for a reputable supplier for a new flex cable.

Start a new form topic! some smart people in this community, i'm afraid I am not eligble to give you reccomendations.
