Not really a build but looking for some advice on a laptop if anyone can give some help and point me in the right direction.
Context: Moving to a new house and having to leave a nice desktop PC behind... Will be bringing a headless server I use now for NAS, media server, remote access to the home network (SSH, vnc, etc) and some lenghty stuff as video enconding when not in an hurry
I need to get a new primary computer and won´t have space for a desktop so a laptop will obviously be my choice. I´m aiming for a 17'' screen and using a secondary monitor when I really need the screen realstate to get work done. I´m used to a dual-monitor setup on my desktop and it´s hard to give that up.
Looking for perfomance close to a desktop, sacrificing only the GPU since I haven´t been much of a gamer lately. My main focus is:
- hard disk speed (maybe SSD for OS + HDD for some storage)
- cpu/ram for databases (local MySQL / MS access), some video enconding (nothing on a professional level, just reencodings) and being able to still use the pc for other random stuff while doing cpu intensive tasks
- Build quality of the laptop is also a main thing
I´ve been looking at the HP Envy lineup and some builds from Asus. Anyone that got a laptop recently and want to give some advice please?
Thanks in advanced for any replies