I think pretty much everyone will bring their desktops.
Except, if they have some sort of 50 kilo monster PC :D
I'm building a ITX build that I should be able to take on the plane as a carry-on. Also this video hyped me up so much for this event >=)
I've been trying to ignore this event as being UK based I simply can't afford the flight over so I know I'm missing out but seeing this vid has made me super feckin jelly, words can not describe how sad I am that I can not come and experience this with you all :( I've never been to a LAN event so if I was to loose my LANginity I'd like it be at one put together by Tek Syndicate.
That said I hope y'all that are going have a great time .. here's prayng this becomes such a major event you can go international and setup in merry England :D
+1 for LANginity
LOL glad you liked ... reckon I can patent a shirt slogan that reads "I lost my LANginity to Logan" .. any newbies like me could purchase at the event and wear with pride :)
That would be awesome!
I'm genuinely curious if @wendell is attending the LAN. He's one of the many people I'd trade a cold beverage for a conversation with.
Ugh, I really wish I could go. Can't pay for the trip, can't get away from school.
I'll be getting my early bird ticket as soon as I can to help you guys out with getting the ball rolling. I'll be inviting some of the friends, too.
LOGAN/QAIN suggest casting a wide net in advertising for the lan party. Make a Meetup event, post to the Stranger, get a flyer designed and send out the troops to post them on every lamp post and stop light in the U-District/Capitol Hill. There's a lot of gamers out here.