I have noticed a lot of people on the fence about coming to the LAN for fear of traveling with their rig. But what if you could just show up and there would be a game ready setup waiting for you?
Myself and I'm sure a number of other attendee's have multiple rigs. I am going to bring at least two additional setups, PC + monitor + accessories, for anyone wanting to fly out for the LAN that can't travel with their PC.
This thread is to pair up PC donors and recipients.
*also just because this is another place to say it, the Great Wall of Underagedness isn't going to be like dividing the LAN into the kids table and the adult party fun zone of "oh-you-aren't-21?-LOL-fuck-off-no-fun-for-you".
I am very interested. I am flying in from georgia, so the chance my pc breaking in transport is high. I have crossfire 290x's as well as a liquid cooled cpu, and I'm very concerned of parts breaking. Please contact me via twitter @SockratisHub, I'll dm you from there.
No need to make it more complicated. I've already purchased tickets and reserved a room so I'm guaranteed to be there, I'm bringing spare rigs so it's first come first served to reserve the use of those rigs. If you don't have your ticket yet though and somebody else with a ticket purchased places a request they take priority.
I will be fine, but my dad will be using my basic laptop, had planned on him using my more powerful laptop but while cleaning it a capacitor popped off and I don't have time to fix it. My basic one should be able to run everything so far listed here (besides doom beta that is and maybe COD4)
I know this is for traveling people primarily, however if he could barrow a spare computer I'm sure he would be grateful, though I'm sure, he would rather people who are traveling and really need a spare rig to get one.
Since my case is 2 inches too wide, I may need to check into this list. I feel very unsure about having my rig in the underbelly, and trying to wing it with my case seems very sketchy.
Hell, if a rig is available, I'll even bring my own monitor.
@Aethyr I have to take my computer apart for the trip for that reason myself, may carry the gpu and motherboard in their original boxes in a carry on or put them in a pelican box I have with the rest in my checked.
@Braysive Thank you, really appreciate it. I will be bringing an external hard drive with the games he has on his steam as well as some GOG stuff preloaded on it if that is ok with you.