in a few days i'm going to host a small lan party with some friends. it will be my first lan party ever and i don't know wich games sould we play... we already have in mind playing minecraft, chivalry, serious sam hd 1, trackmania and (maybe) arma 2... any suggestions for games?
Chivilary, DOTA2, supreme commander 2 and Halo 1?
Killing Floor, Left 4 Dead 2, Magicka, Orcs Must Die 2, Quake 1 and 2, and Alien Swarm.
DayZ and arma II wasteland. Me and my freinds can play it for days.
just for something diffrent: max payne 3?
CS:GO (you can't come back until the next round, that makes it exciting ;)
Team Fortress 2 XD
Cossacks: Back to war (easy to play, very easy, but very strategic!)
if you like strategy games. (it's not as much fast paste dota, as it is an 18th century game, I love it)
you could try artemis space bridge simulator, its all in the title, look at their website here:
also, you only need to buy one copy to play with 6 people on 6 different computers.
there is plenty of youtube videos on this game if you need to see what it looks like.
Borderlands 2
Thanks a lot for the help guys!
Play Black ops, minecraft, blacklight, tf2,
I might record some clips of the lan party... It will be a small one... 3-4 people... But it shall be fun!
if i do record i will let you guys know