Ok, so my school is epic and has set aside a room for me, and about 18 other kids to do almost whatever the hell we want in. On top of that, they give us all the old computers and networking equiptment from the whole school that are aparently "broken" (Normally something stupid like a kid got into it and stold the RAM). So far ive gotten 20 computers working (all of them fairly mis-matched, but actaully fairly decent in proformance). So i repaired all the computers, cleaned them, fixed up all the switches and routers, and set up all the computers on a network, its a very solid 10/100 network interface and every one of the 20 computers can properly connect to eachother. but anyway, back to the problem at hand. (Lol that story way just for alittle bit of bragging rights)
Now that i got it all set up, I NEED GAMES!! We got all this crap set up, with nothing to really play on it! But i need games that can do/be the following.
- 16 to 26 player muntiplayer
- can run on a GT 520 (1GB)
- Dose not require internet connection
- Price ranges from free to $10
- Can be installed on all the computers we have.
See our school is forced to come in two days during spring break, due to days lost from snow and hurricane sandy. I asked my teachers and they said they wouldint mind me and all the kids in the club just hanging out there those days, so i got about 4 days to get these games. thanks to whoever can come up with something good :)