My friends and I want to have a LAN party. We plan to play games like CS:GO, Guns of Icarus, etc. What I want to know is if 36 Mbps down and 6 Mbps up enough for 5-6 people to play these games online at the same time on the same network.
Well that gives you 6 down and 1 up per person.... That might be a little on the tight side.
6 Mbit down and 0.5 Mbit up was enougth for a smal lan i had with for 4 people playing guns of icarus
u shoud be fine unless using wifi
Nope that should be plenty.
If thats on the tight side, the game is very poorly made.
general rule of thumb. Usually you need .25 mb down and up for each. .5 down and up is usually plenty.
Heres me refusing to move into any house that has under 100/100 ;-;
general rule of thumb. Usually you need .25 mb down and up for each. .5 down and up is usually plenty.
pretty well this.
the pcper video with the killer guy that said games really only take about 25kb/s max and ping is more important was right.
Mine usually ave 2 down 1 up... We just do lan games lol
Bf4 requires 512kb up and down, so 6Mbs down and 1Mbps up is more then plenty. Especially considering that Bf4 is multiplayer on a massive scale, which would use a lot of bandwidth compared to other titles.
i have 100/40 at my apartment in nyc.. and i get that in real life.
More than enough, you will be fine.
Don't listen to the people telling you need a minimum on 1Mb/s up per person..