So this device is supposed to sync automatically for date/time/timezone however it doesn’t seem to do a proper sync with the time.
So I can’t really say IF any of these functions are working.
I tap the SET button to see the antenna icon appear and flash while it is attempting to sync and after a minute or tow it goes away but I still don’t see it syncing the time properly, it is running a few minutes slow.
Does these devices REALLY sync properly or just a marketing gimic ?
I do like the large LCD display however as it is very readable for my old and tired eyes
They can, but it usually depends. Try placing it near a window, away from electronics and metal objects, and ensure it has fresh batteries. Sometimes in the day sygnals can be weaker than overnight, so try syncing it at night.
This model likely syncs with the NIST WWV radio timestation. In my experience it usually takes several days to sync properly. Even longer if it’s kept in somewhere like a basement.