L1T League of Legends thread

Looks like we don’t have dedicated League of Legends thread for posting your gaming info, etc.
So let’s fix that.

So in this thread you can share your summoner info and also discuss about League in general. Also treat this thread as “looking for group” type of thing.

For voice chat there’s L1T discord: https://discord.gg/5ATAQKh

What should I tell others when looking for group?

summoner name
which server you play (NA/EUW/EUNE/OCE/TR/BR/JP/ and the list goes on)
preferred champs
highest rating in ranked and what season achieved

Useful resources:

https://www.mobafire.com/ - for champion build guides

Feel free to suggest build guide sites and other useful links and they can be added here

Thread is WIP so expect additions to OP in the future

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I’ll start:

Summoner name: Even747
Server: EUW
Preferred role: Support, can also play ADC. Trying to practice Top occasionally.
Preferred champs: Sona, Nami, Braum, Thresh and Blitz to certain extent. For ADC Jinx, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Vayne. In Top I like to play Riven.
Highest rating: Silver 1 or 2 in multiple seasons some years ago.

It’s been few years since I played this game seriously and knew something about meta game. Also some champions I used to like like Mordekaiser and Taric have been reworked and I have no idea if I like them atm. :smile:

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Summoner name: Adubs
Server: NA
Preferred role: Top, Sup
Preferred champs: Heimerdinger, Malphite, Garen, Blitz, Leona, Nautilus.
Highest rating: S6 Gold V, currently bronze garbo tho.

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