I put my windows computer to sleep, after that the keyboard stopped function and the RGB lighting on my GMMK pro is less smooth (on either output).
If i unplug the keyboard and plug it directly into either computer the RGB looks normal and the keyboard functions.
Things I’ve tried:
Unplug barrel power, unplug both USB Type B connections (device appears to power off), wait 30 seconds, plug back in (same behavior).
Unplug keyboard, wait 30 seconds, plug back in, same behavior.
Was hoping you’ll might have some better ideas, troubleshooting thoughts.
disabling nkey rollover is always on the keyboard; nothing to do with the kvm. try also the usb3 ports. usb3 was autocorrected to u sb, oops. usb3 ports are straight passthrough.
@wendell, interestingly now none of my HID ports are working. Not exactly sure what is going on, mouse works when plugged directly into the window or mac computers, but when connected to the KVM via a HID port it isn’t working.
Any ideas?
Edit: A power cycle fixed that issue, sorry digging deep into why my keyboard GMMK Pro is working on my mac but not when directly plugged into my unraid server ports passing through to my windows vm.