L1 Tech, are you aware of this youtube situation? Youtube spam filters are getting mad!

Hi Wendel and rest of the super team,

Doing great with channel! Love it to bits :slight_smile:

Just wanted to bring your awarness to this situation as people get banned for spamming emojis on youtube! Have a look to this video, you will get the bigger picture. Wonder what is your take on the subject?

that sounds pretty accurate, definitely youtube working the way intended. slightly off topic, but I’ve noticed by unsubscribing from all my favorite channels, I get more accurate and timely notifications to new videos from the channels. so just having a handful of channels in my subscription feed, I actually get fed more notifications for channels I like that im not subscribed to.


Reversed accuracy from Youtube, awesome :smiley:

Same here.

don’t you use the subscriptions tab ? i never had a missed video from this tab, and it’s the only one i use.


This specific situation applies for REALLY POPULAR livestreams. The people I’d see having problems are Bitwit and JayzTwoCents. Moreso Jay cause their chat is cancer.

I do use the subscription tab, it doesn’t show every new video from every subscribed channel.

Never missed a video