L1 GIVEAWAY! -- Frostpunk 2 7700XT Limited Edition GPU & Steam Code!


I could use this gpu to give to my nephew.


I’m in. Thanks Level 1 team!

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Well I figure I should shoot my shot. Good luck, everyone!


Making it just under the wire. :slight_smile:

GUSTO, full speed ahead.

Yeah sure why not. I’d take all the frostpunk merch I can get.

Neat card! I enjoyed FP and will probably check out FP2 once I’m satisfied with my factory in satisfactory; which may be some time.

Might as well get my name in the ring and see where it gets me! Good luck everyone!

I mean, I will throw my name into a roughly 1/350 chance to finally upgrade my GPU since 2018. Sounds great!

Love the content y’all, keep up the good work and the excellent how-to videos/articles.

What is the steampunk equivalent of “beep boop”?

Good luck everyone!

Looking forward to the random number generator video. Always enjoy a little RANDBETWEEN

Clank whirr?

Neato! :slight_smile:

Putting my name in!

throw my name in the hat

Yes please.

Just built a new 7960X system that’s upgraded everything except my graphics card. Gimme gimme! Please.

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