L1 - Fan Art for the L1 Shop

i need help how to spell this also the case sensitivity:

The way to Fix Fake News
is to teach your population to think

Can a native Speaker help me to correct this, because i will make a T-Shirt for the Shop with this.


Looks ok to me.

And the case sensitivity?
I have to ask because it is very different than in German

I would change to fix, otherwise it looks ok, second opinion wouldn't hurt though if someone else chimes in.


The way to fix Fake News
is to teach your population to think

Thx, I will let this sit here till tomorrow, maybe someone else will look it over too.

as a fellow german reader: its ok now.

i get confused with Upper and Lower cases all the time (bei uns läuft das ja ziemlich anders als im englischen) but i would say that

is correct

Looks fine to me , maybe a punctuation mark like a comma ,
The way to fix Fake News,
is to Teach your population to Think

another idea may be to shorten it

Fix Fake News !
Teach Everyone to Think

good luck with it

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I like the Idea to shorten it. I just piked up what Wendell said, but shortened it would look better I think.
Is this correct?
How fix Fake News?
Teach People to think

Freedom of Speech

or C:
How fix Fake News?
Teach to think

Freedom of Speech

I would put a "to" in the first line
and put an (Ausrufezeichen) ! behind the second line

How to fix Fake News?
Teach people to think**!**

Freedom of Speech

Reading the Tipps brought me an Idea. To make more clear what type of thinking is meant, because not everyone who will see such a Shirt will know L1.
Is this correct?

How to fix Fake News?
Critical thinking!

I also thought about this one:

The answer to your questions?
Critical Thinking

How to fix Fake News?

Teach people critical thinking!

I do like the teach in there.

edit: sry 4 non-english: mit dem teach ist es weniger von oben herab und fühlt sich ein wenig freundlicher an

editedit: with the 'teach' its less "facing down" and feels more friendly

editeditedit: this post is a mess, im sorry.

Great Tipp I will think about this one.

I personally think the text

How to fix Fake News?
Teach People to think !

is saying it all, because it is a global issue for everyone, not only for us "tech people".
if you start to think for yourself freedom of speech follows, even when the powers that be try to deny it to you

sorry for mistakes in the grammar i am dutch : )

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i go with:
How to fix Fake News?
Teach people to think!

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Fake News fix?
Learn to Think!

i like that

I like this too, i will think about that also. It is not so talked down like my actual text i think.
At the moment i have played a bit with fonts and stuff.

Hmm have two obstacles i try to fix right now:

1) If i buy a Shirt, i use it for about 7-10 years, so the content on the Shirt should be relevant over this time.
The problem i see is:
a) to put a picture from Merkel because it could be that she/her party will not get reelected soon.
b) to use a word like "Fake News" because this topic can easily end in 2017

My fix for 1a) is at the moment to use no picture, or find something symbolic and timeless
and for 1b) to find a word for "Fake News" that is a bit less narrow like "Misinformation"

2) How to communicate the Statement:
- as short as possible
- as easy to pick up as possible
- as clear/unambiguous as possible

I am open for ideas to all this problems, because to me they are real headscratchers right now. ^^


Fix Fake News
Execute Morons

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how about

" ----------------"


the line is in the style of a division, site is formating it wierdly.. ignore the speech marks.

makes people think, which is the point right?

oooo, just thought.

"---------------+"------------------------- -="--------

again, site formatted wierdly