I am having a hard time finding info on this on the web, so I thought maybe someone here might have had the same experience and maybe a solution.
I have a CKL KVM Switch - 4 port, dual HDMI, USB 2.0. My Keyboard (DAS Prime 13) has built in functions for volume control, skip, pause, etc using FN+F11 for example. But those key combos don’t get passed through to the PC. I have tried it on WIndows 10 and Pop 20.04, so I guess it is the KVM switch. Using my Apple keyboard gives the same result going through to a macbook.
Anyone have a solution or is this something that doesn’t work with KVMs?
BTW, searching for “KVM” or “pass through” on L1T is a nightmare! Too many uses of the same acronym/phrase.