KVM Hotkeys USB only

KVM Model:

1.4 Displayport Double Monitor

USB Interface (5-gigabit or 10-gigbit):

10 Gigabit


I recently obtained my KVM and it works great, however I was wondering if there is a hotkey combination that only swaps the USB input devices such as the mouse and keyboard, without swapping the displays. In the hotkey section I did find something about it using scrl scrl f7 and u, however I can’t seem to get this to work. So I was wondering if there is any way I can get this to work or if its impossible.

Thank you in advance

Hm. I don’t think so. If you only want to swap peripherals you would probably benefit from our KMs rather than KVMs.

Oh unfortunate.

I have 3 screens, and while I work, I only want/can use 2 of them and the 3rd I’m using for social media or other related content, so it would’ve been nice if I could quickly swap my usb peripherals only to like pause a video or something like that. Since swapping video as well takes like 5 seconds times 2 and my work laptop runs windows 10 which means all the windows get forced onto one screen and I can’t download any applications there.

If you want to setup a swap for a KM instead of a KVM we can probably do that. Then we could just refund the difference in the prices