MAY 5, 2021
Radish Harvest!
This week I harvested my radishes! Pics of the first batch below. These were roasted and added to couscous.
I ended up getting about three batches around this size from my plastic tote of radishes. They are a little on the small side: partly because of the variety I planted but also I think because I sowed them a little too close together so they didn’t bulb out as well. But I will definitely grow these again, they were a nice early-season win.
Leaves! And more leaves!
This image is already a bit outdated, as I’ve had to roll the bags up and add more straw since this was taken. The leaves are coming up really well.
Meanwhile, the other grouping of potatoes has not leafed out like this yet. Not sure if they just need more time or if the heavy rains we’ve had have rotted them out. Time will tell.
The blueberries have also started producing.
The oldie from last year just put out blossoms:
And the newbie/Perpetua varieties are also fruiting:
One thing I noticed while filming the berries yesterday, is that the Perpetua variety have some black spotting on the leaves. I’m attributing this to the heavy rainfalls mentioned previously-- likely something fungal, bleh. I will probably go out tomorrow and do some pruning on them to increase airflow, as it appears the older (and more ‘stick-like’) variety isn’t suffering from the same thing. Luckily the fruit seems to be unaffected thus far.
The Woods
Not a lot to report, but wanted to share a neat picture of a friend I saw out there last week:
This is an Eastern Box Turtle: Eastern box turtle - Wikipedia. They are currently listed as ‘vulnerable’ due to habitat loss, I’m happy to see him enjoying our woods!
Coming Soon
We have one more freeze slated for this Friday; after that my plan is to get my zucchini and cucumber seedlings planted. I also need to finish preparing a bed for corn/beans/pumpkins.