KREESTUH’S GARDEN PROGRESS 2022: More Plants, More Problems

Mid August Updates!

Tomato and Pepper Soup

Harvest season is upon us. My husband turned this:

into tomato and pepper soup:

10/10 very delicious. Still eating on it this week. We also made some tomato sauce but it’s already almost gone lol.

Sad Squashes

With all the heavy rain the last few weeks, we’ve been struggling with powdery mildew on the pumpkins. I’m not sure they’ll pull through, but I think we will get at least one harvest:

My lone pumpkin and the bane of my existence, frickin’ crab grass.

Baby butternut squash. This has actually produced really well against all odds, we have a lot of these stocked up in our pantry right now.

Removing Cucumbers, Sowing Fall Greens

My cucumbers were on their last legs, so I removed them and made room for some cooler weather crops: lettuce, spinach, and brussel spouts:

I also noticed some new seedlings where the old lettuce was. If you watched the patreon/floatplane garden tour, you’ll know I let my spring lettuce go to seed-- and it’s paying off!

Pollinator Garden

And finally, I have started some work on a pollinator garden space on the side of the food garden. I had sunflowers planted here for most of the summer, but as they’ve been dying back, I wanted to do something a little more permanent. The flowers selected for this new bed are perennial, which means they should come back year after year; I currently have coreopsis and veronica growing in here (along with a bird bath!). I need to get some proper mulch but the hay works fine for now.

Also, as an aside, if you are in Zone 6/Kentucky, you might check out this resource for ideas on how to plan pollinator gardens. It’s a great guide! Plant by numbers | City of Lexington