So I've currently got a 1080p monitor and looking for an upgrade, got an R9 290/upgraded to it with the intention of upgrading my monitor to match.
I guess the real question is, what can be considered to be a more worthwhile upgrade? Either way it's definitely going to be a Korean monitor, either a CrossOver 290m or an X-Star DP2710.
I've seen 21:9 1080 29" monitors before irl, was intrigued but wasn't blown away cos I didn't have the chance to game on it, no idea what 1440p looks like. It'll mostly be used for gaming and productivity, hate bezels so I'm only looking at getting one monitor.
So yeah, if anyone can give let me know what their experiences have been with either that'd be great, especially if someone has had both.
I'm sure there has been a post on this before but for the life of me I couldn't find a thread about it, so let me apologise if this has come up a few times
What is you current 1080p monitor? the larger it is the greater the PPI increase. I'm going to talk about ppi right now.
A 29inch 2560x1080 has about 95.81ppi and 1440p 27inch has 108.79ppi. you will notice a resolution increase between those two. But it won't be staggering and windows will still be 100% usable unscaled.
use this to tabulate.
my thoughts on 21:9~
The 21:9 ratio is more of a niche honestly. I personally like it but the small 1080vertical is not compensated by the width. Personally I'll be getting a 3440x1140 21:9 34inch monitor when they drop in price.
21:9 is better at delivering a more cinematic gaming experience because (most) movies are shot in 21:9 or very similar ratios. This I love, I watch a lot of movies on my computer and I like the feel in games.
21:9 also adds a horizontal FOV increase without shrinking things on screen like a normal FOV increase would, this leads to a better sense of immersion i think, and besides I want a wide FOV but I don't want to have the sky and flat textured ground to be more of the screen.
my thoughts on the 1440p I own~
I own a dp2710 1440p Xstar and I love it. the resolution(ppi) is just perfect and I don't have to use AA in games all that much if at all (depending on the game)
1080p isn't tall enough for me a 1440p hit it perfectly. Since most website are design for 1280wide viewing I can comfortably view two browsers side by side. EXAMPLE. This feature alone was a BIG seller for me. the 21:9 will have this too it just won't be as tall.
sheet on monitor resolutions
Please let me know if there is anything else you want to know. there's a lot to cover on this topic. And it's hard to recommend something unless I know the model you'd be going after as this can change things a lot.
Having 1440 pixels of vertical space is so much better than 1080 that I would never ever consider buying a 2560x1080. 3360x1440 or GTFO.
If your gaming and want fps go with 1080p reducing graphic quality in-game to make room for extra pixels seems counter productive unless you are editing graphics then the pixel size would make sense. I think 1440p is either going to replace 1080p or phase out completely its not far enough down the scale between 1080p and 4k to be appealing due to the costs.Unless you can grab one -$300 I would save for 4k or buy 1080p with low response and high refresh. There are a lot of domestic 144hz options coming out right now as well as 4k monitors that are sub $600. Being in the electronics industry for more than a decade I would never deal with rma from a foreign country the shipping will kill you alone. As far as pixel pitch 1080p is roughly .24 1140p is roughly .23 that is not going to be that noticeable. On the other hand 4k is .16 that's a .08 difference and will be noticeable.