Kingston Hyperx Cooling Fan Accessory

I have just purchased one of these, i am hoping to push my 2133mhz kingston beast ram a little further (hopefully 2400mz) so I have purchased this to help keep temps sane.

it's too late to change the decision as it's been shipped but I will definately let you guys know how I get on.

Wow... were temps really what was holding back your beast ram before? What is your ram rated for? There is 2400 and 2133 beast sticks, have heard from others that the 2133 stuff doesn't OC well, but good luck!

They werent holding me back

I am just paranoid as f*ck and I don't have any faith that the silicon binned for their 2133mhz ram will hold up to oc'ing further without extra help on the stock memory spreaders.

...also, and this is the sad part, I likes the shiny blue bling :(

Dude, NOTHING wrong with liking the bling, especially when you're honest about it!

Your temps probably won't be the factor that holds you back from OC'ing your ram, more likely just luck of the draw with stability and such. If anything though you'll just be increasing airflow to your ram, hopefully letting it operate cooler and extend life of the chips!

There a poitless waste of time and thay have a habbit of uncliping them selfs and falling in to pc's shorting components....

Yeah.  Just bling.  Not really worth overclocking your RAM if you're not using an APU.

But bling bling.  Great if you have a windowed case.