Kill all wine process

What’s a good way to ensure killing all wine processes in terminal?

Sometimes wine steals my mouse so I need to know a terminal command to stop all wine activity on system.

I tried a couple of wineserver commands and none of them were able to stop wine from running. if they’re our separate commands for proton I’d like them as well.

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As an exercise of complexity, here’s what I tried doing through the ugliest method I could think of, besides just using grep and tr twice.

kill -9 {$(ps -ef | awk '/wine/ {print $2}' | grep -v awk | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//')}

Easier way?

pkill wine

Assuming that wine is the name of the process. Keep in mind Linux is case sensitive. I haven’t used WINE in 10+ years and even when I did, I didn’t use it for a long time.

This post (mine) deserves to be in the mental illness thread.

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Those didn’t work but

killall lutris-wrapper: Heroic Game Launcher

Did work.

killall Grim Dawn.exe

Did not work.

killall steam

also worked. Had to learn a couple other terminal commands

ps -A

to list processes and Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow to find what needs to be killed in particular situation.

Thanks anyway, glad I know this now.


Yeah, killall is not a command found in all distros, so I didn’t include it.

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killall -9 wine

i think its either kill -9 [pid] or killall [name]

ill include my contributions while at it :
(run as root )

pgrep -i '(.*\.(exe|dll|msi|bat|com|lnk)$)|(.*(wine|proton).*))' |xargs -n1 kill -9

Yes, but really you need

ps -A

Then shift+arrowup to find what needs to be killed. You can’t expect that you’ll know the name of the process that locks up on you.

i think my solution takes care of that, since it will kill any process wherethe process name ensds with :
exe or dll,msi,bat,com,lnk, and any process that has proton or wine somewhere in it .
(thinking of it : if you use proton mail it will also kill that but … )

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