This is another Kickstarter campaign: By the way it's already funded. It just launched today. It's not hard to see why. It's projected release is Oct 2016 which seem realistic. They are planning to bring to PC which is cool. I might back this one.
What about you guys? Do you want a 3d platformer for pc? Does this appeal to you?
Looks cool. I just hope they add some more character to the game, as it looks a little bit simplistic. That said, the amount of work that they did in three months is amazing. It seems like they knew exactly what they wanted from the get-go. Pros of having an experienced, small team, I guess.
I haven't backed yet - I haven't decided if I want to. However, I do find it rather silly how they keep adding more of the limited options: "Wow, you guys really wanted this!" "Due to incredible demand!!!"
It's impressive, what they did in three months.I back it for $15. I was like yeah I want this and $15 isn't bad for a game. It's going to be awhile before I get the game but it looks whimsical and fun. it made it's goal and then some: 1,180,463.90 US Dollars at the time I wrote this post. I think they are going to hit all their stretch goals.
The PC strangely for the platform it is has an oddly limited set of games. I know all genres are there in some.form but the mainstream PC games are largely similar. This while not a new idea and not the first either will be welcome in my library of games.
More of this. Less CoD: advanced halibut and BattleFried: Dewritoes.
I'm so hyped for this game. It feels like a compilation of Rare's greatest works mixed into one; the foliage,art and music style of Donkey Kong Country and Diddy Kong Racing as well as the level design of Banjo-Kazooie.
digging the main character especially since it reminds me of an obscure title on the N64 called Chameleon Twist (which was amazing btw) and hopefully borrows a mechanic or two from that game