So I don't quite know everything about mechanical keyboards. I am thinking cherry MX Greens, Reds, or Blues I can't decide. I am willing to spend like 100 dollars on this.
I prefer cherry blues, mostly becuase of the tactile click on them and the feedback, also the compression force is fairly light, not as light as browns or reds though, its about in the middle. It really just gives you a satisfying feeling when you type on it though. as for other switch types I cant really say.
i like browns for typing and reds for gaming. i have reds which are so good for gaming and typing is going perfect. browns are better for typing cuz you feel when you typed the letter but if you get used to reds it's fine.
do you type or game? for me it was 50/50 and i knew i wanted light keys. logan made a really good vid about keyboards.
i'm currently using a corsair k70 with the red switches and the k70 looks awesome and the keys are 5mm higher than a normal keyboard, it's easy to clean.
when your looking for keyboards make sure the space bar is a MX cherry key. it's so annoying when the space bar isn't a mechanical key, the space bar is the most used key when typing.
Check out the CoolerMaster keyboard line if your spending $100 or less, I have a CM Quickfire Rapid (cherry mx blues) that I bought a little over a year ago and I love it.
I tried blues and browns at a shop once. Liked the blues much more. The browns tactile bump was much too subtle for me.
I just a bought my first mech keyboard yesterday, I got a DK 2108 with the blue switches.
I got for $86 so its under your $100 dollar mark, so that an option that I found out there.
Would the k70 switches be cherry mx?
Corsair have exclusivity deal with Cherry, so Corsair crap is always Cherry...
I prefer browns but my primary use is typing, not gaming. I like the tactile feedback without the fatigue factor of stronger switched.
I imagine if I ever move to mechanical keyboard I would love the browns... They are tactile with being annoyingly noisy like the blues... Basically like a membrane... You feel when the key is pressed, but there is no extra click on noise...
Cherry are overrated. People overpraised them, because they got 100 products free, and don't really consider, that Cherry is actually a lot more expensive than the other types without really showing much for that price difference...
I have a keyboard with MX Brows and one with MX Reds. I bought the one with MX Browns first, in the form of Cooler Master QFR Stealth. Love browns. I game and I program with Browns no problem. I bought a keyboard with MX Reds in the form of a Corsair K65. I loved the K65 design, and had not tried Reds which is why I bought it. I definitely prefer the Browns by a long shot. I've used both about equally because I usually keep the keyboard with Browns at work, and the one with Reds at home. If they offered the K65 with Browns I would buy it and get rid of mine with reds. I mainly game at home and would still prefer browns.
If you're in the US, do you have a MicroCenter near by? The MicroCenter where I live has a keyboard on display that has a mix of Black, Red, Brown, and Blue switches so you can test each out. I liked Blues when I tried it this weekend.
I would recommend a CoolerMaster CM Storm Quick Fire Rapid [Or Quick Fire Rapid Stealth if you don't want branding]. They are solid keyboards in a variety of switch types without breaking the bank.
You do realize that Cherry recently had their patent expire and now knockoffs are flooding the markets, right?