Keyboard Spill - Cleaned, but still nothing?

Hi folks, 

I've been watching Tek Syndicate for ages, I trust you and the community - hope you can help;


The other day I had a spill on my CM Quickfire MX Brown keyboard, although - spill would seem a bit harsh, a few splashes would be more like it and the keyboard went haywire. I disconnected it and tried to dry it best I could, reconnected and no dice - keys were registering incorrectly or not at all. So I imagined that some tea had gotten underneath the keys and proceeded to dismantle and check for any obvious problems. 

I couldn't find anything but a lot of cat hair which I cleaned out, so, I tried connecting it again, no dice. Next thing I do is see if I was doing everything I could to clean it out and looked info up online about it, I was doing everything but taking it out of its case entirely to check it again. So I did that, didn't find any signs of anything unusual at all,  plugged it back in, still no-dice, the LED's are working and the function buttons(LED Brightness, Mode, On and Off etc) are also working, but the keys just aren't registering correctly - 'm' key registers 'e' and the '3' key also registers 'm' and the rest don't seem to register at all.

So, once again, I opened it up and decided to give it a full submersion clean, I let it dry out and tried again. Can you guess the result? Still the same.

I can't help but feel I'm out of options here but to replace it, but at the same time - since the LED's and stuff still work, I can't help but wonder if the problem is still relatively simple.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you folks can help out?



The insides of MX switches are vey compact and a tiny amount of water will trigger them it is probable still wet inside the switches. Have you tried leaving it in rice over night in somewhere hot and dry, might suck some of the water out.

+1 it need to dry , and stop switching it on ! it will eat away at the traces .

Thanks folks,

Well, I left it to dry over 3 days - unfortunately, still not working. I really do think it's fudged.


Maybe if I leave it three months ;) it'll work later, I wont throw it out -  it'll be good for future spares if nothing else. 

Rice, now there's an idea, thanks Zibob ..... sorry I didn't mention that above, Dyslexia - sometimes I end up missing words out

No problem, Hope it works.

Just in case this didn't work, I found that when I spit a sugary drink on my corsair k70 it was having similar problems (presumably due to the sugary gunk being in the switches) I ended up getting desprite so I tried cleaning out the switches with lighter fluid (yes I know how silly it sounds) and it worked really well, a splash of it in each of the defective keys and me pressing them a bit to loosen the residue in the key seemed to solve the issue.