Hi folks,
I've been watching Tek Syndicate for ages, I trust you and the community - hope you can help;
The other day I had a spill on my CM Quickfire MX Brown keyboard, although - spill would seem a bit harsh, a few splashes would be more like it and the keyboard went haywire. I disconnected it and tried to dry it best I could, reconnected and no dice - keys were registering incorrectly or not at all. So I imagined that some tea had gotten underneath the keys and proceeded to dismantle and check for any obvious problems.
I couldn't find anything but a lot of cat hair which I cleaned out, so, I tried connecting it again, no dice. Next thing I do is see if I was doing everything I could to clean it out and looked info up online about it, I was doing everything but taking it out of its case entirely to check it again. So I did that, didn't find any signs of anything unusual at all, plugged it back in, still no-dice, the LED's are working and the function buttons(LED Brightness, Mode, On and Off etc) are also working, but the keys just aren't registering correctly - 'm' key registers 'e' and the '3' key also registers 'm' and the rest don't seem to register at all.
So, once again, I opened it up and decided to give it a full submersion clean, I let it dry out and tried again. Can you guess the result? Still the same.
I can't help but feel I'm out of options here but to replace it, but at the same time - since the LED's and stuff still work, I can't help but wonder if the problem is still relatively simple.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you folks can help out?