I am looking for a good keyboard. My main activity done with keyboard is just coding. And since I am a little bit eccentric, I would really like a comfy keyboard. And since usually I picked one that was in nearest computer shop, I know that it's not a great idea. I don't really know companies producing keyboards and what is the whole deal with keycaps manufacturers. That is why I prefer to ask people that had some experience with keyboards and can explain why keyboard is good or not. So to the business:
- I don't really care about the numpad (even with blender or 3D studio max I prefer to rebind my keys)
- Recently I discovered cherrymx keyboards/keycaps. Super comfy.
- It must be black. Very dark grey could also work (but only as last resort).
- Since I really don't like christmas trees I would prefer that may keyboard will not try to emulate it. So no crazy ass back lights.
- I really need only standard keys that you can get on keyboard, so additional macros keys or similar are not extremely welcome.
Most likely I will order 2 of such. One for home use and other one for office use, so they should be office friendly.
This may seem like a non-obvious choice, but I'm amazed at how much I love my K750. I've even ditched my expensive mechanical keyboard in favour of it.
First week was kinda weird, but after that typing on any other style of keyboard -- those with long key throws -- was a pain.
It's cordless, comes with a great mouse, and is solar powered.
id vote for the non-rgb corsair k95 ** I have my g keys set up to different modifiers - I know you said you don't need modifier keys but having the extra keys are really nice
Plus one to the Ducky Zero DK2108 or you can customize one at the link below. I would recommend getting a keyboard with cherry mx blue switches if your main function is typing. Either way you will get a well built quality keyboard.
Ok, now I am lost. I noticed that there are colors for cherrymx key caps. Can someone point/make an explanation on how they differ? Seems that it's a personal preference, so I would imagine that there is quite a difference. And I don't want to buy 7 variants of one keyboard to check what is my fav color for keycaps.
I am looking on that k95, but hell boys. It'a a really big keyboard.
That cooler master looks kinda tempting. It's similar to k65 but it's not so office friendly.
But what catches my eye is WSAD keyboards. Any ideas on the build quality?
I got a kul-es 87. The build quality on it is pretty good. I got the brown switches with dental band mod to make it office friendly. I think this is as plain as you can get