Keep losing connection to my router

Not even sure this is under the right category but anyways my wireless USB adapter keeps losing connection to the router which is downstairs. Is there a simpler protocol I could switch to that would connect more reliably? I'm using 15 MB internet so bandwidth bottleneck isn't really a concern.

USB adapters are quite limited when it comes to signal strenght, check what dB levels you're getting with inSSIDer (win/osx) or wavemon (linux), you'd wanna be within the -20 to -70 range.

Then run to your modem and check with wifi-analyzer with your phone the signal strength coming from your usb adapter.

Is there a free version of this inssider?

Well it used to be free... try this

downloading it isn't the issue it wants a key after download. .-.

Even the outdated version from majorgeeks?

Usb adapters are known to be rather unreliable as a whole. Probably just a bad adapter if signal strength isn't bad.