?In curious on the opinions of KDE. Can I make Kmag full screen? I'm fed up with Gnome as it keeps breaking.
Simple answer
Also KDE 5 Kiona is shaping up to be very very beautiful. Its very easy to use but has alot of power user goodies. Learn KDE and customize it to your liking because it is EXTREMELY customizable. Im sure you will love it. As for a good distro for it. Go with OpenSUSE or chakra/mandriva... if you dont like those then I would go with Ubuntu/Mint... If you are a linux guru build and compile from source for Debian as that will lead the fastest most fluid experience
I've been using linux mint on my work machine for a while and the KDE version is without a doubt my favorite. Gnome is the devil.
I started using KDE ever since Ubuntu switched to Unity from Gnome 2 and have loved it. KDE makes it easy to extensively customize your desktop, and the entire UI.
How's Kmag? Can you make it full screen? If so, how? This is the deal breaker for me.
KDE5 looks great. KDE4 does not, in my honest opinion. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like KDE5 has been making its rounds just yet. Maybe in another month or two.
It still seems like it won't have as good multitouch support. Gnome is getting better with that, especially with 3.14, but still not perfect either (*cough*fixyourkeyboard*cough*). It looks much better than Gnome though. The compositing looks top notch.
I like the looks of KDE 5, however what's Kmag (the magnifier) like in it? Can it be made full screen? I'm visually impaired so it's kind of a requirement that the magnifier is or can be made full screen. If not, XFCE and Compiz is I'm leaning to... Not as configurable as Plasma though.
I have no idea what requirements make for good accessibility applications, but I think compiz would give you the most options for magnification.
Compiz hot key functions for zooming and mouse control would probably give you some level of accessibility. Kmag does do full screen but would require a multi-monitor setup to be of any use as you need to see what you're magnifying - otherwise a 1/2 screen setup seems to work fine - based on a quick look at it.
I am using KDE 4.14.1 on Gentoo and have basically always used KDE for my main work stations. For me it's as simple as preferring the consistent looking qt applications opposed to other alternatives out there. Even gtk intergration works better with qt theming. Also the ridiculous amount of options the plasma desktop brings is nice, not to mention Kwin.
It neefs to be full screen. I might use XFCE with Compiz and Emerald if I can find a repo for it on openSUSE.
Thanks :)