1993- The year of Doom, one of the first games to use a mouse in a shooter. Such an idea was revolutionary but now we see it as perfectly normal to include a mouse in games.
 This was merely 16 years ago and im sure many of you guys remember being extactic with 128kb of RAM. I mean if in 16 years this can go to around 2-4gb being the norm, and the speed of processors and other stuff getting faster each day, and the industry of games can be transformed like it has, i wonder what the next 16 years has to bring, one of the reasons im looking to a career in games. Im not old enough to remember some of the old games or systems, but my step-dad tells me when he used to have to put a cartidge in a computer and wait 30mins just to play Asteroids.
 Dont mean to sound sappy but it is wierd to think of how different it will be in 16 years and how fast technology is growing. Do you guys remember any of the old games that became milestones in modern gaming, or have any insight into what the future holds for us computer and game lovers
[i]The power of microprocessor technology doubles and its costs of production fall in half every 18 months.
[/i]I was thinking the same thing the other day. WHen I had 512mb of RAM about 3/4 years ago, and now I have 4GB. I'm thinking in the next 2 years or so I'll probably have 8GB, with 64-bit OS' and all.
I think a 'milestone' in Modern gaming was probably Super Mario, always loved 2D platformers.
 I don't think the thrill of doom would be back because as you mentioned it was one of the first "first person shooter" games. they invented a new game play the very basic core is brand new but what we see after that is the perfection by adding high end graphics a good story or such I don't think the machine has any think to do with it it's the ideaÂ
 I don't think the thrill of doom would be back because as you mentioned it was one of the first "first person shooter" games. they invented a new game play the very basic core is brand new but what we see after that is the perfection by adding high end graphics a good story or such I don't think the machine has any think to do with it it's the ideaÂ