Just ordered a GT80 Titan

OMG i cant wait to get it tomorrow, had to do overnight shipping...i heard many good things about this and i havent owned a gaming laptop for a very long time, hope this pleases me, anyone else gonna get one?

10 lbs, no thanks I will stick with MSI's ghost series, way lighter if I want that much power I would rather be a desktop.

The GT80 Titan is an awesome piece of hardware to be sure and it is cool to see MSI pushing the envelope on what is possible. That being said, and I don't mean to bash your purchase decision, but it is dumb and a waste of money.

The problem is it isn't a laptop. Neither is it a proper desktop. It is this weird hybrid. It is too big hand heavy to be portable and it takes up too much space on a desk. At the same time, it isn't big enough for regular components or even proper quiet cooling. Additionally, the screen is too small and only 1080p. Would have much rather seen 1440p or better especially with the hardware it is packing. Plus, I really doubt MSI is gonna support it for two generations. Even if they do I bet upgrades will be expensive and difficult. Plus, a desktop can last for way more than two generations....

All that, together with the $3000+ price tag, makes it silly in my book. For much less you could build a little mITX system which would be about as portable, more powerful and probably a better option.

It is cool and enjoy it but remember it isn't a laptop. Don't expect to use it as such.

review it

i would of paid my rent in advance instead of paying for that desktop replacement or i would of just built a $1300 rig, and get a mid-range surface pro 3, for those $3000 personally, but i would like to hear your thoughts on it anyways, linus recently just did a review of that behemoth.

Really cool device although I think the market for it is limited. I don't know how many people it is going to be practical for considering its too big to use like a laptop on your lap. Although if your always going to be at a desk at work and home, maybe with a slimmer tablet or secondary laptop to use more casually, then it could make some sense. Especially if having your full desktop suite of programs and files will come as a huge productivity boost.  

overclock it

I'd say 1080p is fine for the distance you'll have to sit away from it considering the keyboard. and DSR in games can combat some of it

> linus recently just did a review of that behemoth.

I woke up this morning to that review, really recent lol.

Well if I didn't have my monster dual CPU desktop-rig it would have been a very interesting option and I would probably have bought one.

Ohh I don't think 1080p is an issue. Especially on a small screen size. That being said though, for the price of the unit I'd expect better. 

Wait someone reviewed me?...




It's size makes this the best thing i've ever used on my lap, in bed, anywhere, so stable, keyboard is perfect for banging out emails on my lap for work and an alienware 15 with graphics amp attached can't run Assassins creed on ultra with 4 x msaa like this does and it fit's in my backpack and his amp certainly doesn't, best tech purchase i've made in years, doing everything better.

If you struggle to handle 4.5kg then I think that speaks more about your own issues then ones with this incredible piece of engineering.

Laughable that someone could think a mini itx + screen + keyboard could be close in terms of portability.

It wasn't meant to replace my desktop but now I hook this up to my ultrawide when I get home every time.

Haters gon hate