So here's my contribution, i saw this somewhere maybe pinterest but it look neat and easy.
This is a hardcover book converted to a mail letter holder.
Here's a book i grabbed from a used book store for about 5 bucks.
i started off my sectioning pages together. i used paper clips to keep it together
Then i bent the pages in on it self, meaning i fold the other edges of the pages back towards the binder like so. I tried to make sure the outer page was colorful.
then using a glue gun i attach those edges to the binder, you can use any kind of glue.
So that's bacially it. here's the finished product. I think i ended up making too many bends or slots for the letters, but all in all it still works.
Creativity feeds the mind. I would think doing multiple crafts might eventually lead to one combining them and maybe even creating a product out of it. Good stuff anarekist and I look forward to seeing more from you in the future.
nice work. It would interesting to see if you could mess with the design and cut off some of the front/back cover to reduce the overall footprint of the holder. You could possibly cut off the extra cover material and then apply some type of book binding tape stuff to the edges to make it look nice.