Just a question

Its about my laptop and linux. I have Ubuntu installed in my acer aspire 5536 but in not really happy with preference. And I was wondering if you guys can recommend and other Linux that is bit more light-wight. I even opened it up to clean it out and apply new thermal paste. It helped wit heat but not much with preference. Any  tips?

Try Linux Mint.

Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu and Cinnamon is even heavier than Unity.

If you want speed, go with Manjaro XFCE, it's a very customizable DE that is gtk3 compatible with good speed and functionality, on an Arch Linux install, ridiculously fast and stable in comparison to Ubuntu/Mint/other Ubuntu ports. It comes with great functionality for changing kernels on the fly, for changing graphics drivers on the fly, steam is preinstalled, flash is preinstalled, etc... just the most functional and realistic beginners distro, and a world of difference from the Ubuntu sadness.

Thanks for the tip. I'm installing it right now. Even the interface is more familiar to me than  one on ubuntu. Tho I stumbled a bit when formatting the hard drive since I din not know what format should I chose. I went with ext4 since a tut I looked up mentioned it was a good choice. Thanks again for help. 

Zorin OS I use a lot. Reletivally light weight

Now I'm having problems with installing Keepass 2.x on manjaro any tips on how to install it?


Thanks to everyone who did not post for letting me find it on my own and learn stuff. (sorry about double post)