Julian Assange, founder of wikileaks, made a public speech yesterday from the Ecuadorian Embassy in the UK calling for the United States to end its war on whistle blowers and to free Bradley Manning.
The UK has been attempting to etradite him to Sweden where he would be tried for rape charges, which may or may not be legitimate. Many feel these charges are just a cover so that Sweden can extradite Assange to the United States where he would be charged with treason.
Assange has been taking refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in the UK, since Ecuador agreed to grant him assylum.The UK has threatened to storm the embassy and take Assange into custody anyway, but no action has been taken. Storming an embassy would be a breach of international law, and it would be hard to believe that the UK would want the bad PR, especially after just hosting the Olympic games.
For now, Assange will bide his time in the embassy, and we are likely to hear more speeches like the one above as long as he is held up there.
I personally have to side with Assange. The United States government is abusing its power in both the case with Assange and Bradley Manning. The government doesn't have any right to arrest a journalist or whistle blower simply for doing his or her job.
Be sure to listen to the entire speech in the video above.