JSON Based Databases

I love javascript! It is by far the greatest language out there. In fact, it's so great I'm seeking thoughts on JSON/JS inspired databases you've worked with. If you have any experience with these types of databases, please share your insights here. Your insights are very appreciated.

mongodb i think is a JSON database. i dont have a lot of experience with it so not totally sure. personally i prefer to use SQLite for my database needs as its very portable and still pretty powerful. worst case i write a server application to handle the requests for returning data from the database

PostgreSQL has supported JSON for a while, and I think MySQL got some support for it earlier this year. Microsofts SQL Server is getting native JSON suport in the next version 2016. You can work with JSON files in the current versions of SQL Server but you have to convert them to XML which isn't very pretty.

If you need a proper relational database PostgreSQL gets my vote as it's Open Source (MIT type licence) and has always felt like a proper RDBMS like SQL Server and Oracle unlike MySQL which has always felt like a bit of a botch job to me (all be it a very functional and fast botch job).