Holy Shit. John Oliver INTERVIEWED Edward Snowden about the NAS and how they get all their data, and just, wow. I really think more people need to see the video. It is incredible.
I am really starting to admire how John Oliver can get stuff through to the general public. That thing where he started asking people in a different way was SUPER eye-opening.
Yeah. At first I was a little put off by how hard he was riding him, but they were some really good and honest questions that many people probably wonder about. Based on his reaction, I don't think Snowden really thought about any of that. I certainly didn't/wouldn't if I were in his position.
By the end I was quite pleased by his skeptical questioning. I personally think it's a good think to ask/get asked really challenging things about what one believes. Either you will replace it with a better one, or have better reasons to for your opinions.
Just watched this, my god, John Oliver is so freaking awesome. A lot of the people passionate about all of this, are well aware of how all of this works, and the depth and scope the programs reach, but people seem to have a sense of apathy towards the subject. Once again, Join Oliver has managed to take an important topic, and frame it in a new light, that people can more easily relate to. It has even been tweeted about, and shared from CNN, really hope this takes off more, and the news takes this more seriously.
All i can say is that John Oliver outdid himself here. However, if he took the tits or vagina route instead of the dick pics route, he would have made even more of an outfall because we all know the capacity of feminists to be heard and stir up waves as the sex positive feminists got in on the discussion. It would then really be the end of NSA.
This was freakin awesome. Even though it doesn't concern me to the degree it does US citizens, I admire both Snowden for his courage and moral integrity and Oliver for the work he's done.
It does effect anyone that uses any services that goes through US networks, their system captures all data that passes through those networks. So, any data that bounce through a US node, is a potential victim.
This is great but I think the only way to really get though to the rest of America is persistence. I think John O needs to have follow up interviews over a few years just to keep in in people's minds. When people stop talking about it or caring about it is when Snowden's work was for not. its like the way Bill Nye used to do his show. you have to repeat things over 5 times for them to stick in people's heads.
To be fair, I would be a bit ticked off too if I had flown all the way out there, got put on the list, and then had to wait (what was it? 40 minutes) for him to show up to the interview. So, I imagine that had something to do with why he was so hard at first.
I enjoyed the interview, but I am surprised by how ignorant the people they asked were about the whole NSA spying cabal. It was really disheartening to see just how out of touch people are with things as critical as the right to privacy.
Yeah, it was kind of crazy, you could see Snowden's shoulders sink a bit when people had no clue who he was, or what he did. If the news covered this, without just screaming traitor(as they did in the states), with as much zeal as the stupid missing plan, flight 370, people would be foaming at the mouth. Here in Canada, we now have to deal with then proposed, C51 bill, which basically authorizes pooled data collection, meaning a request to data, of any sort, would give them access to all data on you... yay Canada...
I read about that, it sucks that our conservatives are rubbing off on your political system up there. You guys can't go crazy, you're my back up plan once shit hits the fan here!
You shouldn’t change your behavior because a government agency somewhere is doing the wrong thing.
I can't even. I hold a lot of respect for what he did, and I personally like the sort of rambles he has, though I guess I'm not most people. I certainly don't send dick pics.
Inevitably, MSNBC cut it up in such a way that Snowden didn't give any of the good answers. Bleh.
Well, our conservatives up here are beating the terrorism drum, because, you know, terrorism is such a serious threat to Canada... Building up the fear to hysteria, so that they can pass bills to remove more freedoms and access to privacy. Doesn't help that both our liberals, and conservatives, were caught up in swindling, and shady politics lol, left us with evil A or evil B, alternatives making up only a very small portion of representation.