Hey i'm a 15 y/o in Nebraska and love to play video games. i currently play them on an OOOOOOOOOOOOLD laptop that wasn't that great to start with. I was wondering if you had any ideas on jobs for someone my age so that i can save up to build my own pc.
When I was 15 I got a job at a store for about minimum wage. Depending on what bills you might have to pay (gas, cell phone, etc) and if you work full- or part-time you could potentially have enough money to purchase a pretty decent system.
Depends which businesses are in your area.
Introduce yourself to cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, fast food chains, etc and pass on a resume.
yup, i started workin in a restaurant when i was 15 or 14, can't remember, built my first system shortly after. asked for the motherboard for christmas, an asus p5ad2, yeah i still remember. e-premium added on, had to look that bit up. bought everything else, it was a pentium 4, can't remember the GPU though, gt5800 maybe? just whatever you do, just cause you take a job, don't make it your life, concentrate on school, do something challenging with yourself. i'm 28 now and still manage a restaurant part time along with pneumatic tube programming the other part of the time. it's hard to get out of an industry if you fuck off and don't keep your eyes on another goal. I'm not doing what i really want to do. However i am lucky to be working with circuit boards and programming with the pneumatic tube end of things, even some actual PC's when i deal with our systems in hospitals, typical stuff like remote desktop and whatnot. but... it's on 56k modems, hahahaha
for fun, here's my first motherboard on my first build ever :D ..it was nearly top of the line at the time, o how things have changed, where are the SATA ports!? where's the cool heatsinks!? whats that big 'ol parallel port! i bet you don't even know what that is! whats that IDE lookin connection that could possibly be used for a floppy!? o man i feel old haha
Try looking for some programs that place youth with internship. My first job was working with the San Francisco Sheriff's department as a receptionist. It was pretty cool. Keep your eye out on those. Also look for odd jobs. And some relatives who run businesses.