Jesus Christ AMD

tl;dr repeated blue screens and other problems with AMD's 14.2 beta drivers.

So, the AMD Catalyst 14.2 beta display driver came out yesterday. Upon repeated attempts at installation I got nothing but blue screens and display driver installation errors. I've never encountered anything like this with AMD's beta drivers before. Probably skipping this version entirely. If it provides any insight as to why these problems are coming up, I'm running two Radeon HD 7850s in crossfire. Anyone having similar issues?

no. i'm running an R9-270x and i haven't noticed any issues besides this little staticy lines on the screen but that was fixed after i restarted my PC then everything went back to normal. you know whats funny i've been on the "Red Team" since the Launch of the R9 and R7 Series cards came out and all i've seen are beta drivers where are the full fledged drivers?

I thought my issue was perhaps something to do with the fact that I'm running last generation cards. It's beyond me at this point, though. About the beta vs. official release drivers I do believe that the 13.12 Catalyst Software Suite is out of beta (found here: I know where you're coming from, though, as 99% of the time I'll be running beta drivers.

I usually run beta drivers. Main drivers usually happen around every six months or so. 

It is a beta driver, and it is introducing an entirely new API, so give them a little slack. This is a first for them, as well.

I know, at this point I'm just patiently waiting for the next beta driver release.

I found to get rid of the blue screen issues when installing, find the config files in the installer and find an option that is along the lines of workaround install and set that to true.

Assuming your are have similar problems as I once had where it would blue screen on detecting hardware. This should fix it

Hope this helps

i think my problem was a tad different than your past problems. Then installer would get about half way through the 'Installing AMD Display Driver" portion then *poof* blue screen. Very strange.

I'll give your suggestion a go later though, once I've worked up the courage to delve into the installation process again.

Did you make sure to uninstall / driver sweep away the old drivers? I have 2 R9 290's and could NOT use 14.1 as crossfire CRASHED everything. 14.2 is buttery smooth delicious though!

Try a clean wipe and re-install. 

Exactly. The problem may be caused by crossfire. I used to have 2 7850s also. When playing a game the second GPU would run at 100%, but this is a "known issue". I had to use an old Catalyst driver to make xfire work.

I tried that the second or third time around as usually I have no problem installing new drivers without first uninstalling. I got blue screens during the uninstallation process as well. Very odd. I got it on the second try though and now I'm just sticking with 13.12 for the time being.

I guess that's what I get for opting for the more cost effective, dual GPU setup. Oh well, the 13.12 driver will be just fine for now.

 "Jesus Christ" 

I guess I lay too much on the guy.

I cant get bf4 to launch with mantle at all for some reason. I keep getting this error

Back when I had the 14.1 driver (I uninstalled it due to frame pacing issues that drove me insane) I never encountered anything like that. Looks like, from the error message, that it has something to do with the GPU you're using or something (looks like you're using an R9 200 series card). I don't know what to tell you though, I'm not an expert on such things.

Im running a 290x and never encountered a error like that ever. Looks like its just me :/

Oh well, I guess you may just have to wait for the next beta driver release like me.

you NEED to uninstall the old catalyst before installing this one. it says so right on the download page. not AMD's fault if people can't follow instructions.

edit: saw that you tried that.. must be an incompatibility in your system or something.... did you disable crossfire before uninstalling?

I uninstalled the drivers. Used driver sweeper. Installed the new ones. Cant boot into windows.

Im guessing so or it could be dices screw up and needs to be patch. If all my games run fine and no artifacts ill stay on the beta drivers and see what gets fixed first.