Jellyfin Transcoding error/ssytemd output

I passed through my 2tb already old ssd. All 2tb is for transcoding. Now I need to get a new ssd just for my minecraft server passthrough.

One more thing Iā€™d also check is whether the video has subtitles and if so whether jellyfin has it enabled on playback attempt - I remember reading somewhere ages ago, so quite older vers, that in some cases jf transcodes using CPU when subtitle streams need to be overlayed into output video streamā€¦ that was also due to the ffmpeg/nvenc limits at the timeā€¦ this would coincide with the 400% load on the CPU. However the extra diska space for transcode scratch area already pointed is also a good guess as often the space garbage collection and data moving around may debilitate the media serverā€™s transcodingā€¦ Either reason would lead to the process hanging awaiting transcoded stream thus at high CPU loads behaving as hung/dead/not-responding process that is then attempted to be killed and consequently jf crash ensuesā€¦ If you have enough space give jellyfin more, and if you have a lot of RAM you might even want to consider allocating tmpfs/ramdisk for the transcode/scratch location instead as it could bolster any scratch cleanup tasks compared to spinning rust and nand flashā€¦