Hey all, I’m wanting to setup both a Jellyfin media server as well as a forbidden router (containerized with pihole and potentially lancache) and I’m trying to figure out if they can be the same machine or not. The caveat is that I want it to be as small as possible as I’m in an apartment where space is at a premium.
Im really liking the look of the jonsbo n1 or n2, but that obviously means an ITX build.
Right now I don’t have any crazy internet, 300 down, 30 up, that being said I may be able to get 1 or 2.5 gb up/down fiber in the next year or two.
Would I run into CPU capacity issues issues using the same box, assuming I need it to be doing transcoding as well as routing at the same time? Or could I get away with it being an Am5 or Intel 12th/13th build and not risk maxing out?
So, opinions?
Dare I tag the great @wendell himself lol (spoiler, I dare lol)