Not really software but this is driving to the point where I want to break my table.
I need help with these 3 questions. the first one is the most annoying because I can’t seem to find anything about this fucking problem.
Any thoughts? I feel like I’ve tried everything and nothing is working. this is what I get for being absent. and I have to keep this shit as simple as possible I was told I have to use x.length, x.substring and so on.
Hi, not solving your problem but giving you hints and directions. (hope you can get any material from the course) as for 2.
What is the "Scanner"-class, that was mentioned in the homework, does google give you any advice and maybe even how to use it.
How would you substitute words from a string? Would it be of help to split the String, how would you do that, knowing that words are separated by spaces.
We need a number, what does "Scanner" do? Might there even be a method to give us an Integer?
To ask/do the same thing over multiple times, for many things, it would help to take an input while you do stuff, like save it or calculate a sum.
How can we loop over a certain code fragment and add a condition to break out of the loop.
good luck & just split the problem into smaller fragments, that you might find in the google.