Java, eclipse or netbean?

Im starting to learn to code using java, and we are being given the option to use either eclipse or netbean. being completely unfamiliar with java, what is the most user friendly for someone like me who was a very limited experience in coding? what are the pros and cons of eclipse vs. netbean?

Well for one, Netbeans doesn't crash that much, unlike Eclipse, I actually had to scrap Eclipse for one project, because developing was unbearable on it. But then again, sometimes you need it, like for Android development. Another thing is that Eclipse's GUI seems more complicated. NetBeans is more simple, but don't make a mistake - it doesn't lose any functionality over being simple. Code-completion is good on both and customizable, go with whatever is nice for you. Eclipse is heavier as an application, NetBeans tends to be more swift at doing stuff you ask it to. Well basically NetBeans is my choice, you can go with whatever you like, remember that Eclipse has more stuff that's supposed to "help", I kinda don't need it so that decision is up to you :).

thanks, Dev. since i dont plan on coding anything in android just yet, i went with netbean. its not too bad, but i have some learning to do.

Good to hear, good luck! :)

Have you considered IntelliJ?

I'd give IDEA a shot.

I use eclipse because it's portable.

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I really like IntelliJ IDEA:


I prefer netbeans over eclipse.

I have been coding in Java for about a year now, and I have come to prefer eclipse. Not once has it crashed on me. I also prefer the 'feel' of eclipse, I don't know why but I never enjoyed NetBeans. Both are respectable IDE's and in the end it comes down to preference and whatever you feel lets you work in the most efficient way. The main three I would try are eclipse, netbeans, and IntelliJ IDEA