Ivy bridge or 2011

Heres my problem i wanna build a rock solid machine for gaming, heavy recording and editing. However i dont know if i should go high end ivy bridge or low end 2011 by means of the 3820. Help me decide >.<

I may wanna do some programming too IN whichever angage i teach myself so yeah, need to know what will allow me to try alot.

Go with a 2011 Sandy Bridge CPU. Get the 3930k, you'll save a little bit and the Sandy Bridge CPU's run cooler and you can overclock the **** right out of them and make them go faster then a pig on snot

Get Sandy Bridge. 2011 would be good if you were only going to be doing a lot of editing. You'll be able to save some money with Sandy Bridge to put towards more graphics horsepower, and it will work great for editing still.

What's your budget?

Well the 3820 overclocks like a beast... is better for editing... is way better when it comes to PCI-e 3.0 etc. Go for 2011 if you can swing it. If not, forget Ivy Bridge. Get a 2600k or a 2700k.

Not really got a budget just save and spend see i got a job an stay with my mum so no bills to pay 0.0 And graphics wise i want a gtx 680 i think one will do me until maybe later stages when il upgrade to multi monitor. also im going 32gigs ram if i go 2011 is that worth it. up untill now ive only really done medium range gaming systems so not really sure.

Well you really don't need that much ram, but if you want it then go ahead. You're going to be getting at least 16GB with 2011 anyway. If you have an unlimited budget then definitely go with 2011.

I would personally get an Intel Core i7 3930K with an ASUS Rampage IV Extreme.



Thanks man :D i think il go with that i did kinda think 32 GB was overkill So i think il start ordering my stuf end of next week gonna see if i can find some fridge case or something different >.< So thanks if anyone can find anything they think i should include tell me please. Thanks. Jonathan from Scotland.

Are you going to be using just a regular heatsink and fan or are you going water cooling with this thing?

Also, an SSD would be great in this build.

actually I built a ivy rig for my video editor, and it is very cool OCed on stock cooler even, I'm pretty sure it will OC high from what I've heard on OCN, I think the people who got them first just didn't know how to overclock them properly and did a terrible paste job and got a bad rap from the few people that didn't do it right

I don't know about that, considering that a lot of reputable reviewers were all saying that it ran hot. I think it's more likely that Intel fixed Ivy shortly after its initial release. I'd have to look at a few more reviews to warrant actually buying one though just to make sure they overclock and run just as cool as sandy.

Oh dear im going to germany to go to a CONCERT and as such i got to forget the 2011 ='( So instead im going with an i5-3570k , asus sabertooth z77 , 8Gb (should i go 16Gb?) Corsair vengeance black 1600mhz ddr3 , an m4 ssd i got a 1 tb hardrive , a gtx 670/680 (dont yet know which) , Corsair h100 or h60 , and whatever 700w 80+ silver i can find. Case wise me and my dad are gonna build one after i return from Germany. Thanks again for all the help :D