Ivy Bridge-E Released?

Has the Ivy Bridge-E Been Released in the States Now?


Not in the States.

Mmm... TTL also has a review now as well... 2011 soon?... X89 as well?

This dude is biased, and from what I've heard a jerk too. Obviously he is right about this being the new highest end desktop CPU though.

Who TTL or the other guy...

I like Tech of Tomorrow but most of Elric videos are way to short.  This would be one of his longer vids.





Seen that one... but i have to agree with Bobby... its way to fucking long

Mmm i have to agree with u on that one... but lavcoPricetech or wat ever this is... A Response to TekSynicate's Review on Ivy-E... Bag Logan... Bag Logan... and Logans Response... and?... That that guy is just a pric

Long is good i whant to know everything not just some stupid game benchmarks for a cpu thats not even aimed at the gaming market.

mmm... but sometimes ttl's ones can get vvvvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy lllllllllloooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggggg

From what I have seen Ivy Bridge-E is a joke. It doesnt come with a new platform I dont think

Not a joke, it comes with PCIe 3.0 and native USB 3.0.

No X89, sadly. Its gonna be on X79 again, which was a bit of a disappointment for me. Not that there's anything wrong necessarily with the X79 chipset, but an update would've been cool.

Still only 2 6Gb/s lanes though, thanks to sticking with X79 for chipset support. The processors are cool, but I'm a tad disappointed that we didn't get a new platform to go with them.

I'm intending on getting the 4930K for an upcoming build. Hoping it's released in Canada within the next 2 weeks. The native PCIe 3.0 is nice and they do use the 22nm architecture instead of 32nm so they're a bit more power efficient.

I thought that X79 supported PCI3 natively, and so did the boards. The chips just didnt have native support. This edition just seems like added features that were already there before. 

Yes, most X79 boards say they're PCIe 3.0 ready. So they had it ready it just couldn't be used to full potential until now with Ivy Bridge-e

How is he biased and how is he a jerk, I've been watching him for 9 months now and I haven't gotten that impression of him.