Hello everyone,
Being a complete noob coming from Windows has been interesting. But I have seemed to notice something that I wanted to ask the community about because it's impressing the hell out of me, and I'm just wondering if it boils down to beer goggles, or if it's really something I'm experiencing for the first time.
Now don't get me wrong. I LOVE Windows 10. So far it's been the Windows I was waiting for. But something happened recently in my life to make me realize at 34 years old, I should at least try Linux again.
But here is what I have noticed in my first 12 hours of Linux:
Everything seems easier to read. No, you did not read that wrong, I mean compared to EVERY Windows edition I've ever used up to and including the current Windows 10; I have an easier time reading in Ubuntu\Linux.
I feel like I've got new glasses and can suddenly see clearly. I don't have to be 10 inches from my monitor to read smaller print. Everything seems to be much more crisper. Everything seems clearer. Colors seem to be more accurate. And I SWEAR the content I watch on YouTube AND Netflix that is HD seems to BE HD for me! Everything seems to be much more VIBRANT. Almost on par with the HD experience I experience on my TELEVISION. Which if we're honest, is far lesser tech than a goddamned PC MONITOR.
Am I just viewing this with beer goggles? Is this just the same as that new car smell when you get a new car? And 6 months down the road it's gonna disappear?
Or is this actually something new I'm experiencing? Is this like my metaphor for glasses? Cause honestly, this is exactly how it feels to me. I feel like I got a new prescription on my glasses and I can see clearly again!
I used to have to sit - even with my 24 inch 1080p monitor - 10 inches from my screen JUST TO READ THE TEXT ON THIS FORUM. But now, I'm able to sit comfortably at arms length away from my keyboard and read this without eyestrain and squinting!
Please, I would LOVE for people to chime in and at least help me understand what I'm experiencing here!
Thank you and have a nice day!