I am sure that many of you have heard the argument that, if an individual has done nothing wrong, and has 'nothing to hide', then they should not fear government surveillance.
A number of privacy activists and authors have countered this argument, using the argument that even though one might currently be engaged in legal activities, it is possible that what is deemed 'legal' today, might not be tomorrow.
I recently finished writing a paper (MSc student), attempting to gather my thoughts on privacy. It is by no means exhaustive, rather is more to stimulate conversation and debate. The argument is rooted in academia, encompassing the domains of law, privacy, security, information systems management, marketing, and behavioural psychology.
If you wish to read it, here is a link to the document: Google Doc
If people do want a brief, I will quickly sum up the points made.
Once you throw privacy out the window, the idea that you be held responsible for activities that were legal, but are no longer legal, becomes completely plausible.
Just more symptoms of a runaway government headed directly towards totalitarianism.
I agree completely. However what I am saying is there is more to it. I posted the 'short' version on the forum as well and it reads like this:
The issue with 'I've got nothing to hide' is more sinister than simply 'everyone has something they don't want others to see'.
The issue is such:
Governments and organisations are able to infer behaviour. What this means is that they are able to predict, using the information they have gathered on you, what your potential actions are going to be. This 'could' become an issue if they start inferring behaviour and prosecuting people before the fact, rather than after. Basically, punish individuals for actions they have not yet done.
Influence behaviour through manipulation, using the information they gather to create the greatest effect. The example I provide in my paper is, that facial composites are able to be made from allaying your data. An agency or organisation might look at your 'top friends' and create an identity which you are more willing to accept. Through this it is possible to get a more positive reaction from individuals.
it's not about what you're doing today isnt illegal. if you have nothing to hide, it's the chance of what you did yesterday becoming illegal in the future. that's fucked up.
"I have nothing to hide" is the biggest BS anyone is capable of spouting since most people's ego doesn't even allow them to admit that there are things they pride themselves in, that are better of not being in existence in specific cases and situations. I have a close friend who works as an assistant-director at a licensing firm who often does job interviews. One case is of a guy being ignored even though he had a pretty good resume because his Facebook account held questionable pictures of them posing in a camera-shooting gig (the account being easy to find given the basic information you have to put into your application). The thing is that you don't want your employees giving ammo to competitive firms against your own over the common ethical and "one-up" games they need to play in what is a fucked up justice system, especially when your employee is supposed to do a role of negotiation like this guy where his background, easy to find over Facebook, pretty much castrates his potential and prospects. It doesn't matter if the guy prides himself with those pics and thinks that's nothing he needs to hide, it does have a situation and a specific case where you don't want them known, and this is where the "i have nothing to hide" BS is simply a delusion. Imagine now if any corporation can find that one bribed, corrupt, blackmailed, source/puppet within the NSA [human nature demands there always exist such people in any collective group of people possible] and have him sell the info on anyone and anything and their e-mails, chats, anything they have, to be used and twisted to destroy their reputation, or destroy the reputation of someone close to them or associated to them, through them. Then again, there's also the issue that laws are social constructs and not absolute standards of ethics and morals. Who knows what BS laws may get put into force in the future and whether a theocracy, or a cult, or a political ideology gone crazy in a theocratic style, may happen to get into an influential spot and pass some absolute BS for laws.
"I've done nothing wrong therefore I've got nothing to hide". Facepalm. Everyone has done something they don't want others to see. Mass surveillance is what's happening. With a little data and time they could make a case against a Saint. The Saint might have to pay more for insurance because his friends are known to be dodgy. If we became totalitarian and corrupt they could forge evidence against Mr Saint but more commonly manipulate people via blackmail.
These problems and more are with mass surveillance. History cycles and each time monsters like the Gestapo roll around the power of the tools at their disposure increase. Recent technology has raised the stakes so much that I doubt the cycle could be ever broken (1984 depicts this) next time humanity fucks up. Giving up your privacy is a slippery slope.
There problems and more are with mass surveillance. Terrorism is the biggest fucking bullshit scapegoat since "think of the children". Anti-terrorism DOES NOT NEED mass surveillance. Since American ramped up all this NSA shit, they have caught no real terrorists and spent billions. Old fashion police work has proven itself time and time again. Fund them instead of surveillance! NSA has so much data with that run that was bombed, it was too slow because they hoover up EVERYTHING.
Anti-terrorism needs to be done by people. Those people can surveil THE SHIT out of suspects, I couldn't give a fuck. There are NO arguments for spying on everyone.
Way to make me pissed off ____ tongue emoticon. 2 more things though.
Laws and views change. Say being gay became legal in Russia, people came out and then the law reverted. You would be held accountable for things that WERE legal but are no longer ARE. And lastly, holy-fucking-shit have you seen this Extra Credits? A must 7min must watch.