I've been thinking about upgrading

I'm going to start out by saying sorry if this is the wrong place to post this

Next I will show you my build:      http://pcpartpicker.com/user/HelloImTinyT/saved/7vtNnQ

So if I were to upgrade this would I first have to get a new motherboard to upgrade other parts? Or would upgrading the motherboard not affect anything? This is a gaming build so what kind of parts would be good to upgrade and all that kind of stuff? Also what kind of parts would you guys recommend for a budget of $300-400?

Any help is greatly appreciated and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Personally I would go for an i5 and a new mobo, or, if you prefer AMD, fx 8350 and a new mobo as you will need better power delivery for one.

I'd look at picking up a new graphics card when the r9 300 series releases next spring

http://pcpartpicker.com/user/deejeta/saved/sYpV3C on the limit with the motherboard but it should be ok with a 95w cpu and no oc'ing. SSD is a must have for any rig these days.

What kind of mobo would you recommend?