I put my mother board in and went to put CPU cooler on and it doesnt fit! ragh fml. but i only have 1 1/2 inches past the cpu for clearance because of this thingy on the mother board (dont ask me what it is its on the asrock 990 extreme 4) so i need somethinbg thats small and tall instead of wide due to this thingy. and also since my computer only has the motherboard in it should i take the motherboard out till im ready to findih the build or can i leave it in there?
What Cooler were you using?
i was thinig i might go water cooling
That's... That's what she said.
Just to be sure, (i'm not trying to insult your intelligence here) you tried putting it in both ways, right? That heatsink is not that large, If you can't get it to fit, you may have to go liquid cooling.
no, the way the skrew holes are spread to far to put in the long bars and if you put the small bars on and turn it sideways the heatsink hits the thingy there, and what do you recommend for the water cooling?
NZXT kraken x60.
.. it seams i didnt give you a budget i wasthink $60-$70 if its absolutly a must i willl go higher thou.
A $70 all-in-one watercooler is going to be practically no better than the stock cooler. It would be cheaper to get new RAM than get a skinnier heatsink.
It's not his RAM that is blocking it though, it is a heat sync on the mobo
i will put in the the money if i have to
Oh... That is a different problem :|
i bought the NZXT kraken x60. thank you all for the help.
"It won't fit.. It won't fit... It won't fit..." -Boston Low .....I've played The Dig too many times..